New Website Marketing Strategies for SME’s. Why is it so important?
You have decided to launch a new website in Dubai and need to get your business noticed? I believe t...
You have decided to launch a new website in Dubai and need to get your business noticed? I believe t...
Digital Marketing is more than just a job, it has become some what of an art form in recent years; w...
We are all aware that digital marketing is a “must have” for today’s modern business. The digi...
When we are seeking to contact a certain brand or business, “I’ll send them a Facebook message, it’s faster” is a phrase many of us will use when they want to contact them. Social media channels can be seen as a digital customer service center. Digital customer service centers are probably one of the finest revolutions of the Internet. Today, whether we like it or not, all of our customers are online and it’s up to us to ensure we are there with them. Our customers are interacting through multiple channels irrespective of time, place, device or medium, it’s important that companies are present for their customer’s digital experience, especially if something goes wrong.
Ramadan is a joyous month of reflection and spending more quality time with family and friends. However, this is also a special time for a different reason… particularly for us digital marketers.
It is not enough to just have a social presence for your business anymore. One of the primary objectives is to get people to talk about it and share your content with others. With Facebook implementing their most recent algorithm change, which balances content from friends vs brand pages in our News Feed, marketers need to understand that we are competing attention in the social world. To quote Facebook; “content posted directly by the friends you care about, such as photos, videos, status updates or links, will be higher up in News Feed so you are less likely to miss it.”
Although today’s digital landscape has evolved into a multitude of channels revolving around IOT (Internet of Things), radio is still playing a prominent role in marketing strategies. Within the UAE, radio continues to thrive in the car and is perhaps the single most important listening environment for listeners to consume content that is relevant in their daily lives. Compared to 5 years ago, the total listening hours per week has remained stable which gives some insight that radio isn’t disappearing anytime soon.